Sunday, June 29, 2008

I wish the thunder would go away and a RAK thank you

The dampness continues, now with thunder. Maddie has never been a fan of thunder, fireworks or other loud noises like that. Today is no exception. Although she turned 11 yesterday, Maddie's hearing is as keen as ever and the little rumblings going on now are sending her over the edge barking. This in turn scares Poochie and Bear who are both trying to share the small area underneath my desk as I type this. Bear is not one to share his space willingly so typically the next step in this process is growling from Bear when Poochie gets too close. This freaks Poochie out even more. It's a fun filled day all around when we have storms!

I have to admit that we did not do particularly well eating at home last week, the first week of our CSA. It was a stressful week at work for me. I hate being hungry anyway but when I'm stressed I'm particularly sensitive to hunger and so it was a bad week for cooking at home. I was starving by the time I left work and the thought of cooking just pushed me over the edge. We picked up our second box today and I'm hoping that with being on vacation this coming week, I'll be better about eating up what we got. I did end up using most of the first box except for the strawberries which were not good looking when we picked them up. Plus my mom brought over a tray of beautiful strawberries which were far better looking than the CSA berries and were delicious. I found this berry in the tray from my mom. Looks just like a heart to me! Sorry for the poor lighting, I was taking it at night with just the overhead light in the kitchen for light.

Just also wanted to show you a picture of the largest scallop I have ever seen. We had dinner at a local restaurant, one of the nicest in the area I think. Besides being perfectly done and delicious, the scallops were huge! I apologize again for the picture quality. Not sure what I was doing wrong here but you can get the general idea.

Tomorrow we take Poochie to the vet for a check on his thyroid levels and then Wednesday Bear gets his teeth clean. Good to get these all out of the way while we're off for the week.

One last picture - the latest RAK card I received from Carrie in MD. Thank you so much for the beautiful RAK BAK. :) I haven't inked up the frog image from the Pond Life set yet and Carrie's card has given me the inspiration to just do it!

Monday, June 23, 2008

Whew, that feels better

Yesterday I dusted my house and cleaned out about 20 pounds of pollen. Yellow dust was everywhere. Tonight, I can finally sit at my desk and not get covered with the stuff. It feels so good, like taking a hot shower after a hard day.

Damp today. When I lived in Kentucky the humidity had weight it was so heavy some times. Here in MA more often it is this dampness. I far prefer the humidity of Kentucky because although it was sticky it was hot and somehow this made it feel not damp. And that makes all the difference. Looks like this weather will be around for at least tomorrow. We all may sprout mold if it lasts too long.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

The first CSA box

Today, we picked up our first box from the CSA we joined. We now have a refrigerator full of vegetables and a couple of pots of annuals. The first box included a head of lettuce (we chose red leaf lettuce), a bunch of radishes, a bunch of beets (looking for a recipe for them now), some arugula, spinach and chard. We'll be eating at home this week for sure!

As with last weekend, this weekend flew by again. I needed to deadhead my rose bushes and weeded a little bit. I. replaced some of the wire fence we have tied to our backyard fence. The land back there is not entirely level so the wire fence prevents some small doggies from crawling under the regular fence. Alex was able to walk right between the fence slats so the previous wire fence ran the length of the regular fence. Now it just spans the last two sections, where the gap between the ground and regular fence is.

I finished Water for Elephants :
Water for Elephants Water for Elephants by Sara Gruen

My review

rating: 3 of 5 stars
After reading the first few pages I was in love with the book. However, the further I got into it the less I liked it. I couldn't connect with the narrator and became frustrated with his cowardice. However, I have to say that the ending was a complete and pleasant surprise. I'll definitely read more of her books.

View all my reviews.

It's hard to type with only one hand and with Pogo on my lap pawing at me for pets, I'll sign off for now. Have a great night.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

A full weekend

It's already Sunday night and I feel like the weekend didn't even get a chance to get started. We were busy seeing friends, visiting for Father's Day and cleaning. And here we are at the start of another week already. So quick.

I found out at work on Friday afternoon that Tim Russert had passed away suddenly. I didn't watch him enough to say that I was familiar with him but I have been moved by the number of blog posts I have read, fondly remembering him. The most touching in my opinion is Liz's. She is a beautiful writer on any topic and her post on Mr. Russert's passing is no exception. Thank you, Liz.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Happy Birthday Buddy

Today is Bear's 10th birthday. I don't have digital photos of him when we brought him home from the pet store but he was a very cute ball of apricot fluff. When we bought him he was four months old which is old for a pet store dog and I feel blessed that we found him. He is a sweet, good dog. Scared of most everything except dogs three or four times his size, but we all have our quirks. This is a picture of him enjoying his birthday hamburger. He's not a cake kind of dog, he much prefers meat so that was what he got. I apologize for the photo quality; he was moving very fast to make sure he didn't lose out on any of the burger! Happy Birthday, Bear. We all love you very much.

It's been in the 90's here since Saturday - our first official heat wave. We've all been standing in front of a fan waiting for the heat to break. Honestly, I don't mind it too much. The heat is draining (I'm exhausted now and haven't done anything except walk outside to take pictures) but it feels like summer. Isn't this what I was waiting for when it was snowing in January? And just to remind myself what that looked like...
This was taken on December 31st. Not quite 6 months ago. How quickly things change.

Yesterday was my last day as a blond. Now I'm back to my regular color. Not my natural color, mind you, but I'm no longer fair haired. I don't miss it though. It was fun to be blond but really it washed me out since I am so fair skinned. It's a little too red for my liking right now but I know that in time it will fade. Red does that.

My roses have gone crazy! The heat and the rain we had last week have lead to a bumper crop of blooms as I'd hoped. Take a look! Enjoy.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Thank you, Sweetie

I know, I know. Two posts in a day. Has the devil called for a sweater yet? Anyway, just wanted to shout out to my DH, I., for his wonderful graphic design. He created the new banner at the top of my blog. Too cool! Thank you, Sweetie. I love it and I love you.

Free Rice

If I had been paying attention I would have noticed that in May Blogger added the capability to link a picture in the page layout to a URL. I had been trying to do this a couple of months ago and couldn't figure out why I couldn't do it. Well, apparently it was not a capability at that time. But now it is so I've added a picture with a link to the Free Rice website. It's a really cool word game, the more you win the more free rice is distributed to hungry people around the world. It's a lot of fun and I'd love it if you'd play a game or two. Educational and philanthropic all at once! Doesn't get better than that, does it?

Well we took Bear back to the ophthalmologist last Saturday. From our first visit I had understood that the hope was that his tear glands would repair themselves once we stopped the sulfa medication and started giving him the cyclosporine. I misunderstood, though, and found out this time that this repair is highly unlikely. The hope really is that the cyclosporine will do the job of stimulating his tear ducts enough so that he won't need the other medication he's on and won't need to switch to another type of medication. I had run out of the cyclosporine the day before the visit so didn't give him his dose the morning of his visit so really we weren't able to tell if it was working or not. Disappointing. We go back in July and I'll be sure to give him the dose that morning. To be honest, I'm also miffed at our regular vet. On the whole I like them very much but I'm frustrated that we took Bear to them twice with dry eye symptoms (at the time we didn't know what the problem was) and neither time was the possibility of dry eye mentioned. It is not an uncommon side effect of the sulfa drug so I would have hoped that 1. before we started the sulfa med, the vet would have told us to watch out for symptoms of dry eye and 2. once we brought him in with symptoms, that would have been the first thing they considered. Neither happened and now it looks like Bear will have to be on some sort of medication for the dry eye for the rest of his life. Frustrating.

The lesson learned, though, is that you can't be too careful when it comes to doctors and vets. I'm not saying that you should be paranoid but I think it is our responsibility to investigate and ask questions. If we had asked the vet if there were side effects to the sulfa med or had looked it up on line ourselves, we might have avoided this trouble.

Raining today. It's a nice gentle rain which the ground will love. The grass seed we planted in the front yard is germinating and is almost as tall as the other grass. With all the snow we had this winter our front lawn took a little bit of a beating. Not bad but in the spots where a lot of salt and sand was mixed in with the snow piles some of it died. This rain will really help the seed we planted fill in those spots.

My first roses bloomed two days ago and the wild iris down by our stream are out, too. I'll get out there and take some pictures when the rain stops. It's supposed to be almost 90 degrees this weekend and I think that will really make the roses pop!

The Sunday before Memorial Day, I. and I went to a former Army base in the area. There is a small military cemetery on the grounds that I've wanted to walk through on a Memorial Day. We took advantage of the perfect weather this year and made the trip. Most of those interred there are family members of service men and women who were stationed at the base. We noticed a number of twin infants from the 1950's and 1960's buried there, from before the time of the NICU and other methods of saving tiny babies. There are also several graves of POW's from WWII, mainly German but one Italian. I wondered if there families knew that they were here. Also, graves from former outposts in Boston Harbor were relocated to this cemetery and so there are Civil War veterans buried here as well. It was meaningful to me to remember all of these people - family, former enemies, and unknown soldiers from ancient wars - who make up the warp and weft of the textile of our country. Their sacrifices are meaningful and are worth honoring.

Monday, June 2, 2008

Just a quick post for now

I finally, after much trial and error, have figured out how to make my own favicon, which is the little picture to the left of the URL in the address bar of your browser. Too cool! Let me know if you don't see it, please, OK?

Talk more later.