Saturday, May 23, 2009

Portland for PRNE

On May 2nd, I. and I took Pogo up to Planet Dog in Portland for an information session for PRNE. We had a lot of fun although it was a pretty quiet day at the store. Pogo was much braver than when we took him on vacation to Ohio. Had a delicious dinner at 555. I can't rave enough about that restaurant. We had a quick lunch at the cafe at Whole Foods right next to Planet Dog. Another great place to eat with delicious burgers and strawberry shakes. I saved Pogo a bit of my burger and when we went back out to the car, I. tried to give it to him. Well, he had been placed in the back seat while we were in Whole Foods and refused to eat until he was in the front seat. What a personality he has.

If you'd like to look at the pictures of our trip, you can see them here:
PRNE Portland visit

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mr. Jack and his good friend Sammy

They love to chase after each other. Sammy is a little slower than Jack but they have a great time anyway. Please excuse the poor camera work, it was hard to hold my mobile phone steady while being pulled by a 23 pound Jack!