Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Malted eggs

I went grocery shopping yesterday and was looking at the Easter candy.  For a split second, I thought to buy malted eggs because Maddie likes them.  Then it hit me that my Sweet Piggy isn't around any more.  I miss her in the odd moments.  I remember how light she was the last time I carried her to bed, how I could feel her ribs and how delicate they felt.  I remember how much she liked to kiss me and how I liked to give her a kiss on the "piggy head."  I remember how, when we got her, she would ride in my lap while I drove and how she fit between me and the bottom of the steering wheel just fine.  I remember the last few walks I took her on.  My Sweet Piggy.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

My Sweet Piggy has gone home

Maddie passed away on Friday. I. came home from work and found her lying on the floor, with her back to the wall, as if she just went to sleep and didn't wake up. She looked very peaceful and not like she had been in any distress when she died. We miss her very much.

My first husband and I bought her at a pet store on the day she arrived at the store. We were told that papillons don't bark which we soon found out was not true. She was in a struggle to be the dominate being in the house almost immediately. At first she would sleep in bed with us and would literally sleep on my head. At the time I thought it was cute but later found out that this was a sign of dominance.

I have some favorite memories of Maddie. When we bought her we bought a very large cage for her to sleep in. There were large spaces between the bars on the bottom of the cage so to keep her from falling through them we flipped the cage upside down. One night we put her to bed and then went to the living room to watch TV. Not too long after, she appeared in the living room. She had somehow climbed up the side of the cage and out through the large spaces in the top. I didn't believe it for years until I saw a video of a dog climbing up a chain link fence. Another memory is from when we got Bear. We lived in a two story home at the time and Bear could not go up the stairs when we first brought him home. Maddie figured this out and carried all the toys to the top of the stairs so Bear couldn't play with them. She was her own dog and was whip smart.

We miss you, Miss Nips. I hope you are at peace.